Church Center

Connect with the life of our church! Explore, engage, and get involved throughout the week.

What is Church Center?

A powerful mobile app and web experience where the congregation can explore, engage, and get involved throughout the week. Let us connect with the life of our church.

Follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Scan the QR code or click on the image below to download
  2. Install the app
  3. Follow the instruction
Scan the QR code or click this image to download.

Inside the App

Some Highlights

Other than homepage - the first one you'll see when you open the app - there are some highlights:

  1. Profile: this is the page you can view/edit your profile, see your personal schedule, activities, etc.
  2. Calendar: explore the church activities where you can get involved by signing up on selective events/programs.
  3. Sermon: a section you can view the upcoming Weekend Worship Service, stream live with chat function hosted by our friendly facilitators or watch previous sermons on-demand.
  4. Groups: explore, engage and get involved with various groups in IBC, not only just to connect but also to have fellowship and grow together.


Is Church Center app the same as the previous IBC app?

No. This is a new app with more capabilities than the previous one.

What do I need to do with the previous IBC app?

Once you have Church Center app, you can delete the previous app since it's no longer being updated.

How to access Church Center app on my mobile? Can I use the same e-mail account/login info?

You need to have an e-mail account to access/login. We encourage that you use the same e-mail account/login info you used for the previous IBC app since we migrated all data to Church Center to avoid duplication.

What if I don't remember my previous login info I used for the previous app?

You don't need to worry. When you install the Church Center app, you may register with the e-mail you currently use and we will help to settle it from our side when there's duplication in the database.

How can I know if my profile is updated? Can I update it myself?

Yes. Go to "Profile" tab to update. It's best that you provide the information as much as you can

I like to watch the sermon online, but why I cannot watch the upcoming one but I can access the previous ones?

You can only view the new/upcoming Worship Service on the day when it's broadcasted, either live or watch it on-demand. Click on the "Sermon" tab to access them.

I am interested in Connection Group and I want to get connected. Can I view what groups IBC has?

We'd love you to get connected. Go to "Groups" and select "IBC Connection Groups". You can scroll to see the groups that are available/open to accept new members, or type on "Search" bar, or click on the filter icon on the "Search" bar to explore more according to your preference. When you access Church Center from web, you can even view the map of where these groups are located.

How can I get more information and where can I ask questions?

Kindly send us email at and we will get back to you.