
You were never meant to be alone. Journey through life with our Connection Groups.

There are many ways for you to stay connected at IBC.

Connection Groups (CGs) are one of the best ways to get plugged in to IBC. We have various groups for various needs, and they meet throughout the week mostly online, with the exception of a few that have started to meet in person.

If you're ready to sign up for a CG, just click the button below. If you have any questions, email

Our online services are streamed Sundays at 9:00am and 11:30am. We encourage you to engage with us in the chat or comments section and even share our online worship on your social media!

Our pastors will be happy to pray with you in private. Please email to set a time with them.

If you'd like to receive regular church news, please subscribe to our mailing and SMS list by clicking the button below.

Learn more about getting connected with our other ministries!