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About us

International Baptist Church is a very unique expression of the body of Christ.

The vast majority of churches reflect one nationality, culture, or ethnicity, but in a refreshing contrast IBC is composed of believers from 51 different nations. Scripture clearly teaches that heaven will celebrate every nation, tribe, people and tongue gathered around the throne to worship the Lamb of God (Rev. 7:9).

Our challenge to you is why wait to arrive in heaven to experience heaven right here on earth? We all equally share the image of God at the time of creation (Gen. 1:27) and we will all enjoy His salvation together throughout eternity, but there remains dividing walls between believers. However, in the midst of our great ethnic diversity in IBC, there is a spiritual unity in the person of Christ that transcends all other barriers. When we worship together, serve together, and live together as a community of believers and love each other, the world will know that we are His disciples (John 13:34).

Read more about our church below.

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