
There are many ways to use your God-given gifts, talents, and skills here at IBC.

We praise God for bringing you to IBC!

Below are some opportunities for you to serve alongside us. We look forward to hearing from you!


We are still building a team whom we can serve alongside with for our Saturday services, from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.

There are needs to fill for our Worship Team, Welcome/Hospitality, Children and others. Please fill out the form linked below to let us know how you'd like to serve.

Regular needs

IBC Children is always happy to have new Sunday School teachers or class assistants for kids aged 3-12!

IBC Youth ministers to students aged 13-18, and we're looking for facilitators and mentors aged about 20-40. Youth services are on Saturdays, 5-6:30pm.

IBC Worship Arts is comprised of worship teams, children and adult choirs, as well as various musical ensembles (ie, Orchestra, Handbells). If you sing or play any instrument, this is a place for you to serve!

IBC Women is looking for ladies who can offer childcare on Wednesday mornings, or will be happy to help prepare meals for other women in any of their upcoming events.

IBC AV (audio-visual) provides all the technical support for our worship services. You can help mix sound, operate lights, cameras or slides.

You can also support our worship services by serving in our Welcome Team!

IBC Communications helps everyone keep connected. We're always looking for help in the areas of writing, design, and online content creation and management.

You can also serve with the team that ministers to the residents at The Helping Hand, by assisting in the baking classes hosted by IBC.

Please fill out the form linked below to indicate your interest. Training will be provided for most roles, so don't worry if you have no prior experience. All it takes is a heart that's passionate for Jesus and His work.

We'd love to hear from you!

Personal Data Protection

By completing this form, I allow IBC Singapore to use the information provided for the purpose of ministry communication and operation, as set out in IBC Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Policy (

Called to serve full-time?

Take a look at available staff positions.

Check out upcoming programs that you can be a part of.