Give of your time or talent
There are several ways for you to serve and take part in local and global missions. Find out more below.
Offer your treasure
As God's home for the nations, IBC seeks to reach out and minister to families and individuals not only in Singapore but all over the world.
If you feel led to financially support God's work at IBC, please take note of the giving options listed below.
Via mobile banking app (Paynow/PayLah):

You may download this QR code as an image in your photo gallery on your phone or tablet. Just tap and hold to save/download.
- On your mobile banking app, go to PayNow and:
- Scan the QR code;
- Upload the saved QR code from your photo gallery; OR
- Enter the UEN: S73SS0007A
- Indicate the amount to be given.
- Under Bill OR Reference No., indicate type of giving (eg, Tithe/Offering, Lottie Moon).
- Review transaction details and confirm transfer.
Via bank transfer or cheques:
Please direct all givings to our OCBC account. Thank you!
SGD Bank Account
- Beneficiary Name: International Baptist Church of Singapore
- Beneficiary Bank: OCBC Bank
- Account No: 712872563001
US$ Bank Account
- Beneficiary Name: International Baptist Church of Singapore
- Beneficiary Bank : OCBC Bank
- Account No : 503-466-229-301 (USD)
Singapore Quick Cheque Deposit
- Please make cheque payable to "International Baptist Church of Singapore"
- Indicate IBC's OCBC account number (712-872-563-001) at the back of the cheque
- Drop it into the "Quick Cheque Deposit Box" at any OCBC branch
Please tag your gifts so we can allocate them accordingly.
'Tithe/Offering' - for general fund
'Disaster/Medical Relief' - to support IBC's international mission efforts
'Lottie Moon' or 'LMCO' - to give to our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering